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Dragon Kin Raen
Dragon Kin Raen Read online
Dragon Kin: Raen
Michelle Hasker
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2010 Michelle Hasker
ISBN: 978-1-60521-475-7
Formats Available:
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Changeling Press LLC
PO Box 1046
Martinsburg, WV 25402-1046
Editor: Chrissie Henderson
Cover Artist: Zuri
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Dragon Kin: Raen
Michelle Hasker
Dragon shifting cowboy, oh my!
Using her Internet friend to fulfill sexual fantasies isn’t a problem -- until Raen meets him in person. Her desires deepen the feelings she’s always had for Dru, and now nothing will do except capturing him and making him hers.
Chapter One
Raen stared at the photograph of the handsome, half naked cowboy and read the caption for at least the fiftieth time, maybe even the hundredth. A cowboy at work. Even though she’d refused to send CowboyDru -- the interesting and very eligible man she’d met in a book discussion on the Internet -- a picture of her, he’d sent her this photo of him standing with the largest horse she’d ever seen.
Of course, he’d done the typical male thing and sent her a picture of him topless and in tight blue jeans. The kind of picture that inspired her to drool at the most inopportune times, because like a lovesick teen she’d printed out the picture and made several copies so she could stare at him whenever the mood struck.
What a loser she was.
With a sigh, she traced one manicured nail down the side of his face. He had a baby face. Clean-shaven and tanned from his long days outdoors, he was the kind of man who made you wet just looking at him.
She sighed again -- this one totally feminine. His shoulders looked wide enough to balance all the cares of the world. Or at least her shitty ones. A muscular chest and tight abs he did not get from exercise equipment but from actual hard work made her weak in the knees. Her heart raced as she glanced at his crotch. She knew the shot was not a good one to judge the size of his package. In fact, it wasn’t really clear, but she couldn’t stop herself from looking there and wondering. Wondering what he’d look like, feel like, taste like.
She’d never asked, but she wondered if he was human or not. There were so many other types of creatures around that humans were slowly becoming a minority. Not that she was specifically looking for a human. She just wanted someone who could appreciate what she was. Curves and all.
The farm kept her cowboy busy, but he’d always made time to come online and chat with her. Tonight he wasn’t going to be online, though. He’d warned her he would be going out with the boys and wouldn’t be back until the wee hours of the morning, if he got lucky.
Of course. Even after talking with her online for months, he hadn’t progressed past the light flirtatious stage. She’d hoped that even without a picture of her he’d at least do more than make a few suggestive comments here and there. He was a cowboy! Where were the raunchy come-ons and crude, lusty remarks? She would befriend a genuinely nice man and fall head over heels in lust with him, wouldn’t she?
She’d checked her email again in case he’d sent her a message, even though he’d said he was busy and wouldn’t be able to chat until tomorrow. Disgust had her shutting down her computer and stomping into the bathroom of her tiny, cramped apartment. The advertisement had boasted two bedrooms and a full bath, but no one had told her you couldn’t fit more than a bed, nightstand and dresser in each. If she hadn’t been so desperate to leave her loser ex she might have actually looked at the apartment first.
Raen stepped into the shower and turned on the water full force. Hot, steamy water billowed out of the top-of-the-line massage nozzle she’d splurged on.
That lousy bastard Rex had taken not only five years of her life but every penny she’d earned while he’d gone to college and then struggled to find a good paying job. It was a kick in the ass when he’d told her he was filing for divorce. He didn’t ask if she wanted one, just told her he was filing and she was going to give it to him. His current lover was pregnant and he didn’t want an illegitimate child. Since she hadn’t given him any children it was entirely her fault that he’d had to turn to someone more desirable and more fertile. At least that was his excuse. And of course, Rex had walked away with everything.
Needing a distraction, she thought about the only thing that made her days brighter. Raen forced her eyes closed and instantly a bright white cowboy hat came into view. The man wearing it had nothing else on, and he was beckoning to her with both hands. “Come to me. Come to me, Raen. Let me take away your pain and give you pleasure. Let me love you.”
With a sigh, Raen picked up her loofah and squirted it with her raspberry vanilla scented body wash. Not that anyone was going to be close enough to her to enjoy the scent.
And that kind of thinking is why you’re still alone, Raen girl. No one wants to be with someone who’s miserable all the time.
“And no one wants to be with someone my size anyway! On a good day I’m a size 14, but usually I’m a 16.”
No one cares about your size but you. You just need to take better care of yourself.
“Fuck you! I’m not looking for anyone anyway.” A mental image of Dru filled her vision again -- sprawled on the bed, hands tied to the headboard.
What was that, Raen?
“I’m not talking to you anymore. I’m liable to scare off any man I can catch with these ridiculous conversations. Go away!”
While the annoying voice in her head went away, unfortunately the really hot, erotic image of Dru didn’t. She’d love to pour chocolate all over that cowboy and just lick it all up.
Dru would know how to treat a lady. Oh, would he ever. Raen slid the loofah across her breasts and sighed as her nipples tightened. At the end of a long day with the herd, he’d have a five o’clock shadow to scrape gently across her breasts… and other parts. Of course he’d treat her like a lady. He’d wash every inch of her body before getting to the seducing part. That’s the kind of man he was. By the time he finished soaping her, they’d both have trouble breathing. Her breasts would be full and heavy, her pussy wet and ready for some lovin’. Some cowboy lovin’.
Raen slid the loofah over her breasts again, and then slid it down her stomach. She turned around, slipped her loofah on a hook, and lifted her hair, letting the hot water beat on the back of her neck and shoulders. The heat helped loosen some of her tension. Water
sluiced down her back and ass.
Dru would press up against her, his hands covering her breasts as he kissed the side of her neck. Raen shivered and covered her breasts with her hands. She massaged the full mounds and rolled her head to the side, exposing her neck more as the water beat down on her.
Hard and thick, his cock would press against her back, rubbing against her in a rhythmic manner. His hands would move down and grasp her hips as he positioned her carefully. Slowly, his long, thick cock would slide home, sinking into her with practiced ease. A man like him would definitely know how to handle a woman.
Raen leaned forward, one hand against the cool tile to help her keep balanced. She slid her other hand down to her pussy. Slowly, she teased her clit. Dru would want to take her slowly, but they would both be so eager to finally make love that he’d give in to his primal urge and increase the pace, pounding into her, his balls slapping against her, the sound wet and loud as it echoed in the enclosed shower.
Applying more pressure, Raen worried her clit with nimble fingers, feeling Dru’s body pressing against her. A sharp pinch and twist on her clit, and she sobbed out as she came. Hardly satisfying, but at least it eased the itch of desire. If there was one thing she was used to, it was this.
Rex had never pleasured her. Never wanted to. Over the years Raen had gotten rather good at taking matters into her own hands. Now it was time to find a man she could hand those reins over to. She was tired of being alone, but afraid of making the same damn mistake. Her judgment sucked.
Quickly, she dressed and prepared for work. The trolls and goblins had been extra rowdy lately. This job wasn’t going to cut it much longer if management didn’t do something to help her. She was a human, not a paranormal who could deal with them.
Raen shut the door behind her and hurried down the grungy tiled floor to the elevator. It had been making extra loud groaning noises lately, so she bypassed it and headed for the stairs, hoping she wouldn’t run into any freaks this time. Usually they ignored her or made fun of her, but she didn’t want to risk running into them on a night when they decided she might be good enough for them.
* * *
“Here you go, cowboy.” The tall, sassy waitress set a beer in front of him and walked away, hips swaying enticingly. Drustan didn’t realize he was ogling her ass until Kyden elbowed him.
“Forget her, bud. She’s an icicle. Bigger men than you have tried to thaw that ice queen and failed.”
“Who said I wanted to thaw her?” Dru denied as someone walked in between them and blocked his view of the dark beauty. He hadn’t seen her face, yet she captivated him like no other. She’d set the beer down too quickly and moved on, but that was probably because she was used to the goblins. Those freaks had quick hands and liked to touch things they had no right touching.
Dark brown waves danced down her back as she swiftly made her way through the crowd and back to the bar. The short sway of her black skirt revealed tempting glimpses of the backs of her knees and thighs. Dru found a woman with strong legs sexy, and this woman -- she had muscles like a tri-athlete. He knew she could wrap those legs around a man and --
“Dru?” Kyden nudged him again. “The guys just nominated you to buy the next round. You gonna try and get out of it or keep ogling Ice Mama’s ass?”
He was about to retort with a witty comeback. Really, he was. But then he saw the gorgeous waitress smack at a goblin with a menu, and was halfway out of his seat before he knew it. He was across the room before Kyden even called his name again.
“Get your hands off me, you little creep.” The woman swatted at the creature over and over. The goblin just laughed and danced out of reach before darting toward her and groping her ass again.
Drustan reached down and grabbed the maggot by the back of his neck and lifted him off the floor. The goblin turned to him, a look of shock quickly turning to disgust and anger. He hissed and tried to claw at Dru.
It didn’t occur to him until he let his dragon out that he might scare off the waitress. It was too late to worry because his face had already partially changed. He blew a puff of smoke into the goblin’s face. “Leave the lady alone or you’ll be breakfast.”
The goblin stared at him, hatred pouring out of every inch of his stinky flesh. “You’ll be sorry…”
“I don’t think so.” Dru shook his head. “I eat critters like you for snacks and fill up with bigger threats like ogres for a more satisfying meal. Pick on someone else.” Dru tossed him halfway across the room and focused on willing back the partial shift before he looked at the waitress.
Her gold eyes stared back at him from beneath long, thick lashes. “Thanks for your help, but I could have handled him.” Her nose was dainty and pert, her lips full, lush and kissable. Her wary expression turned frightened as she quickly looked around. Fear for her job probably made her wonder if she’d be penalized for attacking the goblin with the menu.
Souler. His dragon hissed in a long, slow breath. Drustan swallowed, every thought except one vanished from his head. He needed to claim his mate.
“You’re --”
“Raen. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She smiled and held out her hand. He grinned and reached out, enfolding it in his. His dragon let out a loud sigh of pleasure at the simple touch. Dru watched the trepidation in her eyes change to something else. Her mouth rounded in an O that she quickly smothered with a smile, then a frown. Her once firm grip now shook as if in fear. Was she afraid of him? He thought her expression had been one of recognition, but the emotions flowed across her expressive face so quickly he couldn’t be sure.
His nostrils flared as her smell enticed him. Fear and desire intertwined with her sweet raspberry vanilla scent, it wrapped around his cock and took a long, slow stroke. Claim her!
He’d been about to tell her she was his mate. His souler. He needed to tell her. They needed to mate before someone else claimed her. “You’re --”
She giggled, a sweet feminine sound that tickled his ears and twitched his cock. Gently, she tugged her hand free and glanced at him coyly. That was when he realized she was shy. His sweet, gorgeous souler was shy! “Thanks for your help, cowboy. Maybe there is truth in the adage.”
He crooked his head to the side, staring at her in fascination. He wanted to hold her hand again. To pull her close and kiss her. Taste her. He repeated her last word merely because he had no clue what she’d said. “Adage?”
“The good guys always wear white.”
“That’s an adage?” Drustan reached up and adjusted his hat. It was white, as was his shirt, but why the hell were they discussing adages when they should be exchanging personal information? He took a step closer to her, only to step back when a faerie darted between them.
The beauty laughed again, a sweet tinkling sound that only made his cock harder. “Well, it was nice to meet you, cowboy.” She turned to walk away and glanced back. If he hadn’t already noticed how shy she was he’d have thought she did it on purpose because her action was utterly sexy.
“Now I know what they say about cowboys is true.”
Hips swinging, she walked off again, quickly disappearing in the crowded dance floor. He wanted to pursue her. Knew he had to, but she was working, and the bar was too crowded for what he had in mind. He’d just have to stay until the end of her shift and hope she didn’t find that creepy.
The dragon put up a fight, but Drustan turned around and rejoined the guys at their booth. Kyden patted him on the back. “Better luck next time, Dru.”
Egan lifted his glass in a toast and tapped it against Brenton’s glass. “Thanks for treating us to this round.”
Dru ignored them. He was used to the banter. His dragon was too busy trying to scent their mate again to worry about retribution for their drinking spree.
“Dru?” This time it was Quentin who spoke. He nudged Dru and looked toward the bar. “So what did you think of the Ice Queen?”
“Raen is sweet.” Dru hoped for
another glimpse of the beauty. He wanted to lick every inch of her dark caramel-colored skin and find out just how sweet her pussy tasted.
“Forget her. Why not find someone more willing to put out?”
His dragon roared. Blood pounded in his ears. How dare they make fun of his souler? “It’s not all about sex.”
“Chill.” Egan laughed when Drustan turned toward him. “It was a joke. Glad to see you have such a wonderful sense of humor.”
“Have another beer.” Quentin laughed and pushed the bottle at Egan. “Maybe after a few more you’ll start to be funny.”
“Ha. Ha.” Egan slapped Quentin on the back as he accepted the beer.
“I have this hot little number working for me,” Kyden offered quietly.
“You do, do you?” Brenton leaned close. “How does Selena feel about that?”
“My mate is not threatened by other women.”
The men all laughed while Kyden’s face darkened. His wife was known for her fierce loyalty. She loved Kyden with all her heart and trusted him. But that didn’t mean she trusted other women around him. Not for fear of what he might be tempted to do, but what the women might decide to try to do to Kyden.
“Raen is my souler.” The silence at the table made him uncomfortable. Dru looked around at his friends in confusion. “Why are you all looking at me as if I suddenly sprouted another head?”
“It’d have been better if you had. No man goes after Raen and lives to talk about it.”
“Excuse me?”
“She’s been known to emasculate a male with more than just her tongue, if you know what I mean.”
Dru’s dragon roared at their rude talk of his mate. “Raen is my mate. This is not up for discussion. She is my souler.” Souler. His dragon tongue slipped out and tasted the air.
“Down boy.” Kyden put his hand on Dru’s shoulder and kept him from getting out of the seat.
“Are you sure?” Egan set his beer down. The other men followed suit. Apparently they were really concerned about his claim.